A Beginner’s Guide on How to Be a Minimalist
What do you see when you look around your house? Is it a carefully curated collection of pieces and memorabilia that reflect how you are and what you love?
Or is it an overwhelming display of items and trinkets that you couldn’t say no to? An unfortunate example of impulse, hoarding, and, worst of all, bad taste?
Your place should resemble and reflect your interests and memories. It should include things that make you feel comfortable, inspired, at home. It shouldn’t be an overcrowded, overwhelming collection of unneeded items.
That’s why minimalist living has become a popular lifestyle choice for many people. It helps us focus on the few things that are important to us. It frees us from the responsibility of owning too many things.
Keep reading to learn how to be a minimalist.
Start With What You Need
Deciding to become a minimalist can inspire visions of passionately throwing out your excess belongings. But knowing where to start can be difficult.
Instead, determine what items you need. By focusing on those things that you absolutely can’t live without you gain insight into what other things you can let go. Anything that doesn’t feel necessary should be considered expendable.
Eliminate Redundancies
Now that you know what needs to stay, you can look at what should go.
Anything that’s a duplicate is an easy choice. Do you really need multiple denim jackets? How many boots do you wear in an average month, anyway?
You’ll be surprised how many unnecessary items clutter your closets, drawers, and bookshelves. By simply recognizing those items that serve an occasional purpose, you can already make a massive impact in reducing what you own.
Donation is Elimination
Have you ever held onto something because you felt guilty to throw it away?
Of course, you have. Just because you’ve grown tired of something doesn’t mean that you can’t recognize that it still has value. That’s why, six years later, it’s still taking up space in the back of your closet.
Donating good-quality items is not only a guilt-free way of letting go, but it will actually leave you feeling good. Charity has a wonderful effect on mental health. Let the act of donation power you through the cull.
Upgrade with Quality Purchases
Minimalist living doesn’t mean you don’t get to shop again. Instead, it empowers you to focus on satisfying your needs, not your wants.
When you do need to buy something, determine how essential it is. It’s going to take up space in your home: does it deserve it? Will it better your life or just occupy a corner of it?
Also, will it last? If you’re going to bring it home, can you trust it will stay there for the duration? It should free you from concern, leaving you satisfied that it will consistently perform its function every single time.
How to Be a Minimalist
Minimalist living teaches you to own your belongings so that they don’t own you. Learning how to be a minimalist is as much a change in attitude as it is a process of removing unnecessary items.
Adopting the approach above will allow you to recognize what matters to you and what doesn’t. It helps you learn how to focus on what’s essential to your health and happiness.
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