How to Build a Tiny House
Like finding a life partner or becoming a billionaire, building your own house can seem downright impossible. But not to worry; unlike love and money, lumber almost always stays where you put it. In fact, the scientific laws governing carpentry are so reliable that as it turns out, it’s really just another skill that can be taught–to varying degrees, of course–to any joe who wants to learn.
Now, this short article is no comprehensive lesson on how to build a tiny house. The purpose of this article is to supply some early leads in your research process. The question to ask isn’t necessarily, “How does one build a tiny house?”; for most, the question is probably more like, “How involved do I want to be in the construction of my tiny house?”
DIY Shells and Beyond
For most of our clients who need no introduction to how to build a tiny house, Tiny Heirloom’s DIY tiny house shell options are perfect. We build the frame of the house on a RIVA-certified trailer and do more or less, the rest!
But some people need no introduction and no prefab frame help. For these hardcore do-it-yourselfers, we love to consult from the outside on plumbing, wiring, zoning, and whatever other areas may not be in the homeowner-to-be’s immediate realm of expertise.
From Scratch
There is no shortage of guides, both online and in print, on how to build a tiny house. Yes, this is a skill that can be learned and yes, it may be easier to learn how to build a tiny house than a traditional one but, make no mistake, we’re talking about a major construction project for an individual or a family to take on. Thus, tiny house construction guides are useful especially for helping someone find out how much they’re going to be able to learn in the time allotted for this project.
It’s also helpful to talk to a builder about the process, what you’ll need, and what you won’t need. A full-service tiny house builder can provide auxiliary services as they’re needed like interior design or finding a tiny house community. So even if you plan to construct everything yourself from floor to finish but haven’t found a place to park your new home, or you’re just not sure which countertops look best with which moldings, Tiny Heirloom is here to help.
How to Build a Tiny House
Maybe a more effective question than how to build a tiny house is how to get this particular tiny house built. Even at a full-service tiny house builder, no one person knows all the answers. But with the power of collaboration, any project can get done.
It’s important to remember this isn’t an all-or-nothing game. A group of professionals doesn’t have to build the whole house or none of it; they can do as little or as much as a prospective tiny house owner needs.
Even if it’s just to talk shop, drop us a line. As you may have gathered, we’re first of all, tiny house enthusiasts. We’re interested in the future of living and would love to talk with you about whatever your project turns out to be!