Sustainable Homes: Minimizing Your Footprint
In today’s world, environmental sustainability should be a key consideration for anyone looking to buy or build a home. There are many ways to live more sustainably, but downsizing on space is an especially powerful way to downsize your ecological footprint.
Why Sustainability Matters
There are so many reasons to build or buy a sustainably-designed home:
- Sustainable homes are typically energy and water efficient, which can save you heaps of money on the cost of utilities. According to the Alliance to Save Energy, tiny homes are especially efficient and sustainable, as they comprise of only 100-400 square feet to heat, cool, and run, compared to the average American home’s 2,600 square feet.
- Living sustainably minimizes your consumption of natural resources, reduces your waste and reliance on harmful fossil fuels, and lowers your ecological footprint. While the average American home emits about 16,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per year, the average tiny house emits only 1,144 pounds of carbon dioxide annually.
- A more sustainable environment can make you and your family healthier due to more natural materials and improved air quality.
- Making your home more sustainable can increase its overall value and make it more attractive to buyers when the time comes to sell.
- Now that sustainable home features are so popular, there are tons of options available to suit your personal style, needs and budget!
Sustainable Prefab Homes
An easy way to go green is to choose from sustainably-designed, prefabricated homes, like our Signature Series of tiny houses. Because modular or prefabricated homes are built according to specific measurements, there’s no need for excess material, which significantly reduces building waste. When you choose a prefabricated home that is also tiny, you further reduce the materials needed for the build and amp up the overall sustainability!
Sustainable Tiny Homes: Customizable and Affordable
Downsizing with a tiny home is especially sustainable if the home is customized with additional eco-friendly features like recycled materials or composting toilets. At Tiny Heirloom, you can customize a tiny home from the ground up, which gives you the opportunity to select the most environmentally sustainable materials and features for your dream home. A customized tiny home will likely cost you much less than a regular-sized home, which will allow you more flexibility in the design of the home; with the extra funds, you can “splurge” on eco-friendly features like solar panels or rainwater systems, that may cost more up front but will save you money in the long run.
Sustainable Homes for Sale
Last but not least, buying a pre-owned/used tiny home is one of the most sustainable ways to go; you’ll not only reduce your footprint by downsizing, but reuse and recycle the home itself and all the materials that went into it!
Whatever you decide – from prefab, to customized, to pre-owned – going tiny is no doubt a more financially and environmentally sustainable way of living. Now more than ever, it is important to focus on what we can do for the world… so what are you waiting for? Contact us today for your free consultation!